by playing like never before!

lower their scores.

that helps
technology the pros use. What you do in here will translate out there!

Our members get results!
How to enjoy golf like never before...
Results Infographic


Why should you spend more money playing indoors than outdoors!? Our innovative model helps us pass savings down to you so you can play more golf than ever without breaking the bank.
We provide our members discounted access to the best clubs, balls, and accessories, all tailored to improve your game. Stop using off-the-rack clubs and get clubs fit for you!
Our technology is the same that the top 1% of golfers enjoy. Whether it’s swing cameras that give you instant feedback or launch monitors that help you optimize your swing, maximize your practice with our tech.
We have a team of trainers, programs, and a gym (at Edina) that can help you increase speed, lower injury risk, and play your best golf.
Golf takes a long time to play! With 24 Golf, you can come in anytime that fits your busy schedule and play a whole round in just one hour. With our technology, you can make every minute count and multiply your practice time.
You need professional help! Stop spinning your wheels, and get at the root causes keeping you from your potential.
The great Bobby Jones once said, “Golf is a game that is played on a five-inch course - the distance between your ears.” From many of us, we do not have a problem with our skills, but we need to grow in our mental game. Don’t let your mind hold you back anymore.
We have leagues and tournaments that will sharpen your skills to perform under pressure and have a blast with your friends.
All members can access these eight benefits. You can enjoy any number of them, from none to all. The more you stack, the greater your improvement.

Our members get results!
How to enjoy golf like never before...

All members can access these eight benefits. You can enjoy any number of them, from none to all. The more you stack, the greater your improvement.
How It Works
This is the process to get you started with an exclusive membership to our premier indoor golf club. *We use a special software to give you secure access 24/7 with your smartphone.
Pick the right membership for you
Get Onboarded
Play 24/7 & Enjoy Golf MORE

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